funerary - translation to ρωσικά
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funerary - translation to ρωσικά

Funerary; Funerary rite; Memorial service; Funerals; Earth laid upon a corpse; Earth laid upon a Corpse; Funeral Rites and Customs; Funeral ceremonies; Funeral service; Funus; Funeral rite; Funeral rites; Obsequy; Funeral customs; Funeral rituals; Professional wailers; Obsequies; Burial rite; Funeral Rites; Civil funeral; Non-religious funeral; Non-confessional funeral; Atheist funeral; Mute (death customs); In lieu of flowers; In Lieu of Flowers; Burial service; Celebraton of life; Celebration of life; Celebration of (the) Life; Funeral Programs; Funerary rites; Burial rites; East Asian funerals; Funeral planning; Christian funeral; Burial ceremony; West African burial customs; West African funeral customs; Memorial mass; Death rite; Life celebration; Death ritual; Open casket funeral; Secular funeral; Secular funerals; Non-religious funerals; Death rituals; Funeral plan; Burial requirements; Memorial services; Sikh funeral; Zoroastrian funeral; Open casket
  • Funeral with [[flowers]] on [[marble]]
  • funerals]]
  • Funeral for a child, 1920
  • A Hindu cremation rite in [[Nepal]]. The samskara above shows the body wrapped in saffron red on a pyre.
  • Beethoven]]'s funeral as depicted by [[Franz Xaver Stöber]]
  • Funeral procession in [[Beijing]], 1900
  • A [[natural burial]] gravesite with just a stone to mark the grave
  • Equipment for washing and preparing bodies at Afaq khoja Mosque, [[Kashgar]]
  • Attic]], latter 6th century BCE)
  • Yukgaejang is a spicy soup with a beef and vegetables in it. It is a Korean traditional food and served during funerals.
  • A traditional armband indicating seniority and lineage in relation to the deceased, a common practice in South Korea
  • A funeral parade of [[Marshal Mannerheim]] in [[Helsinki]], Finland, on February 4, 1951. [[Helsinki Lutheran Cathedral]] on the background.
  • Syro-Malabar Catholic]], [[Venerable]] [[Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly]] on 6 October 1929
  • Medieval]] depiction of a royal body being laid in a coffin
  • [[John Everett Millais]] – The Vale of Rest
  • Ming tomb in Beijing, China
  • [[Parsi]] Tower of Silence, [[Bombay]]
  • Mam Turk mountains]] of [[Connemara]], [[Ireland]]'', 1870
  • Scipios]], in use from the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century CE
  • ''[[Soju]]'', a Korean [[distilled drink]] served at funerals
  • A western-style funeral motorcade for a member of a high-ranking military family in [[South Korea]]
  • Sudangee or last offices being performed on a dead person, illustration from 1867
  • Terracotta warriors of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum
  • Funerary dance ritual. A blacksmith carries the dressed body. Kapsiki people, North Cameroon.
  • The tombstone of [[Yossele the Holy Miser]]. According to [[Jewish bereavement]] tradition, the dozens of stones on his tombstone mark respect for the Holy Miser.
  • Vultures feeding on a human corpse in a [[sky burial]]
  • The burial of a bird




общая лексика



funeral; funereal

funerary adj. похоронный
funerary urn         
  • upright
  • Ancient Greek cremation urn ca. 850 B.C.
Urns; Funerary urn; Cinerary urn; Figural urn; ⚱; Cremation urn; Burial urn; Tea urn; Biodegradable urn; Bios Urns; Funeral urn; Burial urns; Sepulchral urn; Urn grave; Urn tomb; ⚱️
погребальная урна; урна с прахом


Funerary means relating to funerals, burials, or cremations. (FORMAL)
...funerary monuments.



A funeral is a ceremony connected with the final disposition of a corpse, such as a burial or cremation, with the attendant observances. Funerary customs comprise the complex of beliefs and practices used by a culture to remember and respect the dead, from interment, to various monuments, prayers, and rituals undertaken in their honor. Customs vary between cultures and religious groups. Funerals have both normative and legal components. Common secular motivations for funerals include mourning the deceased, celebrating their life, and offering support and sympathy to the bereaved; additionally, funerals may have religious aspects that are intended to help the soul of the deceased reach the afterlife, resurrection or reincarnation.

The funeral usually includes a ritual through which the corpse receives a final disposition. Depending on culture and religion, these can involve either the destruction of the body (for example, by cremation or sky burial) or its preservation (for example, by mummification or interment). Differing beliefs about cleanliness and the relationship between body and soul are reflected in funerary practices. A memorial service (or celebration of life) is a funerary ceremony that is performed without the remains of the deceased person.

The word funeral comes from the Latin funus, which had a variety of meanings, including the corpse and the funerary rites themselves. Funerary art is art produced in connection with burials, including many kinds of tombs, and objects specially made for burial like flowers with a corpse.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για funerary
1. Yellow flowers and paper funerary wreaths surrounded photos of the victims.
2. The dozens of items confiscated included a funerary mask made of gold foil and a very early coin from Aegina.
3. The group argues that it has restored the items, which it considers funerary, to their rightful place.
4. On display are several unique alabaster funerary monuments with richly detailed stone heads encased in flat limestone niches.
5. Culture Ministry A Roman–era funerary chamber, discovered by archaeologists on the Ionian island of Cephalonia, is pictured yesterday.
Μετάφραση του &#39funerary&#39 σε Ρωσικά